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ECC Registration 25-26

Temple Beth Emet Early Childhood
Registration 25-26

*School starts August 18, 2025

Student #1 Information 
Student #2 Information
Student #3 Information

Parent Information
It is important that we have both parent information. If there is no second parent please put N/A in the parent 2 required fields.
Put N/A if address is the same. 
If no please put N/A
Continue to next section.
Include persons name, phone number and relation to your child(ren).

Tuition Rates 2025-2026
A non-refundable, non-transferable $200 Registration Fee and $1000.00 Tuition Deposit are due upon enrollment. The $1,000 deposit will be deducted from the total tuition cost. There is an $800 Security Service Fee per family that will be added into your annual tuition.
There is a $35 fee for any returned checks.

Tuition is to be paid in ten equal installments August-May.
Tuition Rates - 5 Full Days
Tiny Tots (10 weeks old - 1 year at start date) 
Full Year Tuition $15,550
Ready Set Go (1-2 years as of 9/1/25)
Pre-Nursery (2 years as of 9/1/25)
Nursery (3 years as of 9/1/25

Full Year Tuition $15,200
Pre-K (4 years as of 9/1/25) 
Full Year Tuition $15,550
*VPK voucher is valued at approximately $3,000 and will be deducted from full year tuition. 
Tuition Rates - 3 Full Days or 5 Half Days
Ready Set Go (1-2 years as of 9/1/25
Pre-Nursery (2 years as of 9/1/25) 
Nursery (3 years as of 9/1/25) 
Full Year Tuition $12,400

Extended Care Rates
AM Care 5 days: (7:30 - 8:45 AM) - $1,650
PM Care 5 days: 
(3:00 - 5:45 PM) - $2,750
AM & PM CARE 5 days - $3,700
Hourly Rate: $15
  • All families enrolled in ECC will receive membership to Temple Beth Emet.
  • Sibling Discount: There is a $500 discount for Early Childhood Center and Beth Emet School siblings. (Excluding Tiny Tots)

REGISTRATION, PAYMENT & TUITION POLICIES: Please click the link to read our registration policies
Yes, I have read and understand the registration, payment and tuition policies of Temple Beth Emet ECC. I hereby enroll my child(ren) and I agree to abide by these policies and to pay the tuition and other charges in full and in a timely manner. Please electronically sign your name.
Please electronically sign
Please electronically sign. Both parents need to sign (even if parents are separated or divorced). If there is no parent 2 please put N/A. 
Photo Permission is granted to use any photographs/videos of my child to be taken during school for promotional purposes in all media including Temple Beth Emet websites and social media (Names will never be published with pictures).

Payment Agreement
*Registration will ONLY be processed once payment is received for each childs registration fee and tuition deposit.
Deposit due upon registration includes:
Registration Fee: $200 per student
Tuition Deposit: $1,000 per student

 There is an $800 Security Service Fee per family that will be added into your annual tuition.

The payment information you provide below will be used to set up your annual tuition and security fee payments for August 2025 - May 2026.
Scholarship & Financial Assistance
A non-refundable $200 registration fee is due upon registration for each student when applying for ECC Financial Aid.
Payment Information
Credit Card Payments (there is a 3% convenience fee with all credit card transactions) 
Debit Card Payments and ACH (there are no additional fees)
ACH Payments (No changes may be made within 10 business days of payment)
TBE Staff Payroll please put N/A in the boxes below

Once you submit this form you will receive an email with a payment link. Please submit payment for each childs registration fee and tuition deposit. We must receive payment so we can confirm your child(ren)s enrollment in Beth Emet Early Childhood for the 25-26 School Year. Thank you!

Fri, February 7 2025 9 Sh'vat 5785