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Early Childhood Center


Beth Emet ECC takes the typical early childhood experience from ordinary to extraordinary!


We look forward to meeting you! 

Click here for a virtual tour of our school with Director, Robin Sheridan!



Beth Emet Early Childhood Center’s mission is to create a dynamic, engaging, Jewish, child-centered community characterized by developmentally appropriate learning, inquiry-based exploration, scientific investigation, genuine diversity, and consistent respect.



Our school is inspired by the Reggio-Emilia approach to early childhood learningWe respect children for who they are now, as well as for their potential.  We value the child’s right to play with a tangible sense of adventure, exuberance, and joy. We believe in the transcendent nature of unrushed, spontaneous play and the powerful inquiries and relationships that are built when children are given uninterrupted time with materials and with each other. Play provides an imaginary world in which children can master skills, can develop deeper understandings of what they observe in their daily lives, and can safely explore. 

We support the idea that thoughtful risk-taking is an important part of the learning process. When given opportunities to challenge their bodies and minds, children develop trust in themselves and expand their self-view of their own capabilities.  We nurture the scientist in the child and the child’s natural inclination toward discovery and innovation.


How learning happens…the Reggio Emilia approach is often described as the pedagogy of listening.  At its core is the view of the child as competent, full of curiosity and potential.  We invite the children to build on and articulate their knowledge through dialogue with art, literacy and sensory materials that provoke their curiosity. 



The physical space and aesthetic design of the environment supports the child and teacher as they co-construct knowledge. A muted color palette allows the children and their work to be the color and focus of the space.  The spaces are designed to inspire, encourage, and enhance classroom experiences. The learning environment honors the individual while providing spaces for both small group and whole group interactions.


Children’s intellectual development is encouraged by teachers through the exploration of multiple symbolic “languages” including construction, music, literacy, art, kinesthetic movement and play.  We believe in meeting children’s needs as they interact with the environment, weaving their interests into an emergent curriculum.




Materials in the classroom reflect our view of the child as a competent learner full of curiosity and imagination. Our rooms include items from home, items found in nature and loose parts.  Loose parts play is a type of play that supports invention, divergent thinking, problem solving and offers a sense of wonder to children. They are materials that can be moved, carried, combined, redesigned, lined up, and taken apart and put back together in multiple ways.


Informed by the interests of the children, the teacher inspires and provokes inquiry through intentional displays of materials.  Provocations allow the child to test ideas and expand understanding.  Materials are open ended.  Children come into the world wired to make sense of life. When we pay attention to the things that children are interested in, learning becomes incredibly important.


All children have the right to be valued for who they are.  We seek to provide a flexible program which respects individual differences in children's temperaments and learning styles, while encouraging cooperation among the children. A singular teaching method is unsuccessful in a diverse classroom.  The diversity demands constant assessment, interpretation and adjustment. 

Do you have concerns about your child's development? Broward County has amazing free services to help your child. Click on this link:, if you would like to refer your child for a free evaluation to see if they would benefit from any services.This includes Speech, Physical, Occupational and Behavior therapy. Here is a video from one of our parents that has gone through the process. If you have any additional questions reach out to the Director.


We view each child as a citizen with rights in and responsibilities to our community.  Emphasizing each child’s role in the community creates an ethos of empathy, compassion and volunteerism.  This commitment starts with words and moves into action.  Children are empowered and gain a sense of competence.


Children are active participants in the community.  Community is an integral component of identity.  Our ECC is part of the larger community of Temple Beth Emet, a reform temple in Cooper City, Florida.  Connections to the Jewish community are made through daily practices and shared experiences




The child is moving through the hours of each day, navigating different environments, relationships, experiences and roles.  We as educators are only one segment of a multi-faceted system supporting the child's growth and development.  We view ourselves as partners with the family with a shared vision of the endless potential of the child.  Our program provides an atmosphere of mutual trust and caring among the children, parents, and staff.









Beth Emet is built on the passion for the wonder and magic of early childhood. 

Young children have the right to play, to be collaborators in learning, and to dream.  

Thank you to the Jewish Federation of Broward County for supporting Beth Emet Early Childhood Center as a beneficiary of your funding.

Fri, February 7 2025 9 Sh'vat 5785